Saturday, December 26, 2009
Friday, November 6, 2009
Design of Ship Hull Structures
Design of Ship Hull Structures - Okumoto, (2009)
The ship design is divided generally into four parts, hull form design, arrangement design, hull structure design, and fitting design (hull fitting and machinery fitting).
The design of merchant ships starts with the owner’s requirements such as kind and volume of cargo, transportation route and time generally. Sometimes the owner has a special requirement such as no bulkhead in hold.
Based on the above requirements a general arrangement plan is roughly designed and the studies are to be done from stability, strength, operation, and habitability viewpoints. Thus the general arrangement plan is finally decided with correction if necessary. Referring the lines plan, which shows the hull form, and the general arrangement plan, in the hull structure design the size, position, and materials of the structural members are decided, including the fabrication and assembly methods.
The most important duty of the hull structure design is to supply a strong enough hull structure against the internal and external loads. The text books or hand books of hull strength are helpful to the hull structure designer. However these books are generally written from the viewpoint of the strength theory and seem not to be sufficient from the design viewpoint.
The authors are hull structure designers in four generations, from the developing era of the structural design by large increase of the ship size and increase of ship production to establishing era of the design technology using computer; CAD and CAE. In this book the experiences of the authors in the above generations are condensed from the design viewpoint. Hence this book includes not only basic theory but also practical design matter. The authors are convinced that this book will be strong weapon for designers to design the hull structure as well as for students to understand the hull structure design in the world.
Table of Contents
1 Philosophy of Hull Structure Design
1.1 Importance of Hull Structure Design - 1.2 Design Procedure of Structures - 1.3 Hull Structure Design Policy - 1.4 Basic Idea of Hull Structure Design - 1.5 Studies on Loads Applied - 1.6 Reliable Design
2 Structural Design Loads
2.1 Introduction - 2.2 Longitudinal Strength Load - 2.3 Transverse Strength Load - 2.4 Ship Response Calculation in Waves - 2.4.1 Introduction - 2.4.2 Strip Method - 2.4.3 Short - Term Prediction - 2.4.4 Long - Term Prediction
3 Strength Evaluation
3.1 General - 3.1.1 Introduction - 3.1.2 Procedure of Structural Strength Evaluation - 3.2 Stress and Strain - 3.2.1 Stress Pattern - 3.2.2 Biaxial Stress Condition - 3.2.3 Combination of Normal Stress and Shearing Stress - 3.2.4 Principal Stress and Principal Shearing Stress - 3.2.5 Equivalent Stress - 3.2.6 Evaluation of Stress Calculated by FEM - 3.3 Evaluation of Stress - 3.3.1 Criteria of Failure - 3.3.2 Allowable Stress - 3.4 Fatigue Strength - 3.4.1 Introduction - 3.4.2 S–N Curve - 3.4.3 Fatigue Damage - 3.5 Buckling of Ship Structure - 3.5.1 Introduction - 3.5.2 Column Buckling - 3.5.3 Plate Buckling - 3.6 Plastic Strength - 3.6.1 Philosophy of Plastic Strength - 3.6.2 Plastic Bending - 3.6.3 Plastic Section Modulus - 3.6.4 Collapse of a Beam - 3.6.5 Collapse of a Plate - 3.7 Vibration in Ship - 3.7.1 Introduction - 3.7.2 Basic Theory of Single Degree of Freedom Vibration System - 3.7.3 Vibration Problems in Ships - 3.7.4 Vibration Prevention Design - 3.8 Selection of Strength Analysis Method - 3.8.1 Introduction - 3.8.2 Type of AnalysisMethod - 3.8.3 Analysis Procedure - 3.8.4 Evaluation of Analysis Result
4 Hull Structure Design System
4.1 Design Flow. - 4.2 Basic Design of Hull Structures - 4.2.1 Role of Basic Design - 4.2.2 Check of General Arrangement - 4.2.3 Check of Other Drawings - 4.2.4 Optimization Technique in Basic Design Process - 4.3 Structural Drawings - 4.3.1 Approval Drawings - 4.3.2 Detail Drawings - 4.3.3 Production Data - 4.4 Standardization - 4.5 Negotiation with Owner
5 Progress in Ship Design
5.1 Increase in Ship Dimensions of Tankers - 5.2 Specialization of Ships - 5.3 Change of Hull Form - 5.4 Ship Vibration Caused by Socio-Economical Change - 5.5 Regulations for Environmental Conservation - 5.6 Technical Innovation
6 Materials
6.1 Hull Steel - 6.2 Grades of Steel - 6.3 Higher - Strength Steel - 6.4 Steel Sections - 6.5 Other Materials - 6.6 Scattering of Material Properties - 6.7 Scattering of Physical Properties - 6.8 Residual Stress
7 Finite Element Method
7.1 Characteristics of FEM - 7.2 Fundamentals of FEM - 7.2.1 StiffnessMatrix - 7.2.2 Plane Stress - 7.3 Procedure of FEM - 7.4 Application of FEM - 7.4.1 Mesh Division - 7.4.2 Loading and Supporting Condition -
7.4.3 Degrees of Freedom
1 Design of Beam
1.1 Effective Breadth of Attached Plates - 1.1.1 Bending in Elastic Conditions - 1.1.2 EffectiveWidth After Plate Buckling - 1.2 Span Point of Beams - 1.3 Design of Cross Section - 1.3.1 Calculation of Section Modulus - 1.4 Bending Moment - 1.5 Easy Solution of Statically Indeterminate Beams - 1.6 Boundary Condition - 1.7 Cross - Sectional Area of Beams - 1.8 Optimum Design of Beam Section - 1.8.1 Elastic Design - 1.8.2 Plastic Design - 1.8.3 Optimal Proportion for Beams - 1.9 Simply Supported Beams and Continuous Beams - 1.10 Effect of Struts - 1.11 Additional Bending Moment due to Forced Displacement - 1.12 LateralMovement of Beams
2 Design of Girders
2.1 Shearing Force - 2.2 Rational Design of Girders - 2.3 Bottom Transverses Supported by Centerline Girder - 2.4 Deflection of Girders
3 Damage of Girders
3.1 Buckling Caused by Compression - 3.2 Buckling Caused by Bending - 3.3 Buckling Caused by Shearing - 3.4 Buckling Caused by Concentrated Loads - 3.5 Cracks Around Slot - 3.5.1 Cracks of First Generation - 3.5.2 Cracks Propagating into Longitudinals - 3.5.3 Cracks Around Slots due to Shear Stress on Transverses
4 Design of Pillars
4.1 Slenderness Ratio of Pillars - 4.2 Sectional Shape of Pillars - 4.3 Pillar Supporting Tensile Force - 4.4 Connection of Pillar at Top and Bottom - 4.5 Cross Ties - 4.6 Radius of Gyration of Square Section
5 Design of Plates
5.1 Boundary Conditions of Plates - 5.2 Strength of Plates Under Lateral Loads - 5.3 Strength of Plates by In - Plane Loads - 5.4 Plates Supporting Bending and Compression Simultaneously - 5.5 Stress Concentration Around Openings - 5.6 Material and Roll Direction - 5.7 Damage of Plates
6 Design of Stiffened Panel
6.1 Grillage Structure - 6.2 Optimum Space of Girders - 6.3 Optimum Space of Beams - 6.3.1 Design Condition Against Lateral Load like Water Pressure - 6.3.2 Design Conditions from Vibration Viewpoint - 6.3.3 Minimum Plate Thickness - 6.3.4 Optimum Beam Space
7 Torsion
7.1 Overview of the Theory - 7.2 Torsion Theory of Closed Section Bars - 7.3 Torsional Rigidity of Various Sections - 7.4 Torsion Theory of I - Section - 7.5 Torsion Theory of Open Section Bars
8 Deflection of Hull Structures
8.1 Deflection of Hull Girder - 8.2 Deflection of Beams with Optimum Section - 8.3 Deflection of Girders and Web Frames - 8.4 Additional Stress Caused by Deflection - 8.5 Shearing Deflection
9 Welding
9.1 ButtWelding - 9.2 Fillet Welding - 9.3 Fillet Welding with Higher Strength Electrode - 9.4 Water Stopping Welding - 9.5 Scallop and Serration - 9.6 Conversion of Butt Welding to Fillet Welding - 9.7 Long Intermittent Welding - 9.8 Shrinkage of Deposit Metal - 9.9 One SideWelding
10 Fracture Control
10.1 Jack - Knifed Failure of Liberty Ships - 10.2 Fracture Mechanics - 10.2.1 Principles. - 10.2.2 Linear Fracture Mechanics - 10.2.3 Non - Linear Fracture Mechanics - 10.2.4 Fracture Toughness - 10.2.5 Grade of Steel - 10.3 Fatigue Strength Design - 10.3.1 Crack Propagation Calculation by Paris’s Equation - 10.3.2 Fatigue Strength Design Taking into Account Construction Tolerances
11 Hull Structural Vibration
11.1 Introduction - 11.2 Basic Features of Hull Structure Vibration - 11.3 Overview of Ship Vibration - 11.4 Boundary Conditions of Hull Structure Vibration - 11.5 Current Boundary Conditions of Hull Structure Vibration
1 Hull Structure Arrangement
1.1 Hold Arrangement - 1.2 Criteria of Design of Hull Structure Arrangement - 1.2.1 Wing Tanks of Tankers - 1.2.2 Bulkhead Arrangement of Bulk Carriers - 1.3 Bulkhead Arrangement Beyond Cargo Hold - 1.3.1 Bow Construction Without Extended Longitudinal Bulkheads - 1.3.2 Engine Room Construction Without Extended Longitudinal Bulkheads
2 Longitudinal Strength of Hull Girder
2.1 Allowable Stress for Longitudinal Strength - 2.2 Position of Maximum Longitudinal Bending Moment - 2.3 Calculation of Section Modulus of Hull Girder - 2.4 Longitudinal Strength and Hull Steel Weight - 2.5 Application of High Tensile Steel - 2.6 Longitudinal Strength Analysis in Waves - 2.7 Arrangement of Longitudinal Strength Members - 2.8 Stress Concentration on Longitudinal Strength Members - 2.9 Additional Bending of Local Members Due to Hull Girder Bending - 2.10 Longitudinal Bending Stress in Fore & Aft Parts of Ship - 2.11 Hull Steel Weight Reduce to Ultimate Strength
3 Transverse Strength of Ship
3.1 Allowable Stress for Transverse Strength - 3.2 Long Taper & Snake Head - 3.3 Shape of Bottom Transverse in Center Tank - 3.4 Shape of Bottom Transverse in Wing Tank - 3.5 Transverse Strength of Tanker - 3.5.1 Cross Ties - 3.5.2 Load Applied on Transverse Strength Members - 3.5.3 Inside Pressure in Wide Tanks - 3.5.4 Connection Between Transverse Ring and Side Shell - 3.5.5 Buckling onWeb of Transverse Rings - 3.5.6 Straight Type and Circular Type Construction - 3.5.7 Transverse Rings at Fore & Aft Parts of Tank - 3.6 Transverse Strength of Ore Carrier - 3.7 Transverse Strength of Bulk Carrier - 3.8 Transverse Strength of Container Ships
4 Torsional Strength
4.1 Structural Damage Due to Torsion (Example No. 1) - 4.2 Structural Damage Due to Torsion (Example No. 2)
5 Shell Structure
5.1 Thickness of Shell Plates - 5.2 Shell at Bottom Forward - 5.3 Shell at Bow Flare - 5.4 Bilge Shell - 5.5 Shell near Stern Frame - 5.6 Shell Damage
6 Bulkheads
6.1 Strength of Bulkhead Plates - 6.2 Horizontal Girders on Transverse Bulkheads (in Center Tank) - 6.3 Horizontal Girder Arrangement on Bulkheads - 6.4 Vertical Stiffeners on Transverse Bulkheads - 6.5 Swash Bulkheads - 6.6 Horizontal Stiffeners on Transverse Bulkheads - 6.7 Minimum Thickness of Longitudinal Bulkhead Plates - 6.8 Sharing Ratio of Shearing Force - 6.9 Corrugated Bulkheads - 6.10 Horizontal Girders on Corrugated Bulkheads - 6.11 Stiffness of Corrugated Bulkheads Against In - Plane Loads
7 Deck Structure
7.1 Stress Concentration at Hatch Corners - 7.1.1 General - 7.1.2 Contour Shape Optimization of Container Ship Hatch Corners - 7.2 Deck Strength for Locally Distributed Loads - 7.3 Deck Sustaining Upward Loads - 7.4 Damage to Deck Structure
8 Double Hull Structure
8.1 Structural System of Double Hull Structure - 8.2 Double Hull Structure and Single Hull Structure - 8.3 Examples of Double Hull Structures - 8.3.1 Cargo Ships - 8.3.2 Tankers - 8.3.3 Container Ships - 8.3.4 Nuclear Ships - 8.3.5 Large Bulk Carriers
9 Fore Construction
9.1 Structural Arrangement - 9.2 Structure of Shell Construction - 9.3 Vertical Acceleration Depending on Pitching - 9.4 Deck Structure - 9.5 Structural Continuity - 9.6 Large Damage in Fore Construction
10 Engine Room Construction
10.1 Engine and Pump Rooms Arrangement - 10.2 Rigidity Criteria in Engine Room Structure Design - 10.2.1 Double Bottom in Engine Room - 10.2.2 Panel, Web, Stiffener Etc - 10.3 Design of StructuralMembers in Engine Room - 10.4 Girders and Floors in Engine Room Double Bottom - 10.5 Problems Caused by Deflection of Engine Room Double Bottom - 10.6 Deflection of Engine Room Double Bottom - 10.6.1 Bending and Shearing Deflection of Hull Girder in the Vicinity of Engine Room - 10.6.2 Deformation ofWeb FrameWhich Supports Engine Room Double Bottom - 10.6.3 Bending and Shearing Deflections of Engine Room Double Bottom Itself - 10.7 Allowable Limit of Deflection of Engine Room Double Bottom - 10.8 Control of Deflection of Engine Room Double Bottom - 10.9 Sea Chest in Engine Room Double Bottom
11 Stern Construction and Stern Frame
11.1 Aft Peak Tank Construction - 11.2 Vibration of Stern Structure - 11.2.1 Vibration of Stern Overhang 515
11.2.2 Transverse Vibration of Stern Bossing of a Single Screw Vessel - 11.2.3 Vertical Vibration of Twin Bossing in Twin Screw Vessel - 11.3 Stern Frame
12 Vibration Prevention
12.1 Exciting Forces - 12.1.1 Magnitude of Propeller Excitation - 12.1.2 Magnitude of Diesel Engine Excitation - 12.1.3 Magnification of Exciting Force by Resonator - 12.1.4 Cancellation of Exciting Force - 12.1.5 Reduction of Main Engine Exciting Force by Elastic Mounting - 12.2 Prevention of Ship Vibration - 12.2.1 Flexural Vibration of Hull Girder - 12.2.2 Vibration of Superstructure - 12.2.3 Active Mass Damper for Superstructure Vibration - 12.2.4 Vibration of In - Tank Structures - 12.2.5 Calculation Methods of Natural Frequency of In - Tank Structures
13 Superstructure
13.1 Example of Damage to Long Superstructures - 13.2 Interaction of Superstructures and Main Hull - 13.3 Magnitude of Longitudinal Bending Stress - 13.4 Prevention of Structural Failures - 13.4.1 Structural Discontinuity - 13.4.2 Round Shape of Side Wall Opening Corner - 13.4.3 Buckling - 13.4.4 Expansion Joints
# Title : Design of Ship Hull Structures: A Practical Guide for Engineers
# Author : Yasuhisa Okumoto, Yu Takeda, Masaki Mano, Tetsuo Okada
# Hardcover: 578 pages
# Publisher: Springer; 1 edition (January 12, 2009)
# Language: English
# ISBN-10: 3540884440
# ISBN-13: 978-3540884446
The ship design is divided generally into four parts, hull form design, arrangement design, hull structure design, and fitting design (hull fitting and machinery fitting).
The design of merchant ships starts with the owner’s requirements such as kind and volume of cargo, transportation route and time generally. Sometimes the owner has a special requirement such as no bulkhead in hold.
Based on the above requirements a general arrangement plan is roughly designed and the studies are to be done from stability, strength, operation, and habitability viewpoints. Thus the general arrangement plan is finally decided with correction if necessary. Referring the lines plan, which shows the hull form, and the general arrangement plan, in the hull structure design the size, position, and materials of the structural members are decided, including the fabrication and assembly methods.
The most important duty of the hull structure design is to supply a strong enough hull structure against the internal and external loads. The text books or hand books of hull strength are helpful to the hull structure designer. However these books are generally written from the viewpoint of the strength theory and seem not to be sufficient from the design viewpoint.
The authors are hull structure designers in four generations, from the developing era of the structural design by large increase of the ship size and increase of ship production to establishing era of the design technology using computer; CAD and CAE. In this book the experiences of the authors in the above generations are condensed from the design viewpoint. Hence this book includes not only basic theory but also practical design matter. The authors are convinced that this book will be strong weapon for designers to design the hull structure as well as for students to understand the hull structure design in the world.
Table of Contents
1 Philosophy of Hull Structure Design
1.1 Importance of Hull Structure Design - 1.2 Design Procedure of Structures - 1.3 Hull Structure Design Policy - 1.4 Basic Idea of Hull Structure Design - 1.5 Studies on Loads Applied - 1.6 Reliable Design
2 Structural Design Loads
2.1 Introduction - 2.2 Longitudinal Strength Load - 2.3 Transverse Strength Load - 2.4 Ship Response Calculation in Waves - 2.4.1 Introduction - 2.4.2 Strip Method - 2.4.3 Short - Term Prediction - 2.4.4 Long - Term Prediction
3 Strength Evaluation
3.1 General - 3.1.1 Introduction - 3.1.2 Procedure of Structural Strength Evaluation - 3.2 Stress and Strain - 3.2.1 Stress Pattern - 3.2.2 Biaxial Stress Condition - 3.2.3 Combination of Normal Stress and Shearing Stress - 3.2.4 Principal Stress and Principal Shearing Stress - 3.2.5 Equivalent Stress - 3.2.6 Evaluation of Stress Calculated by FEM - 3.3 Evaluation of Stress - 3.3.1 Criteria of Failure - 3.3.2 Allowable Stress - 3.4 Fatigue Strength - 3.4.1 Introduction - 3.4.2 S–N Curve - 3.4.3 Fatigue Damage - 3.5 Buckling of Ship Structure - 3.5.1 Introduction - 3.5.2 Column Buckling - 3.5.3 Plate Buckling - 3.6 Plastic Strength - 3.6.1 Philosophy of Plastic Strength - 3.6.2 Plastic Bending - 3.6.3 Plastic Section Modulus - 3.6.4 Collapse of a Beam - 3.6.5 Collapse of a Plate - 3.7 Vibration in Ship - 3.7.1 Introduction - 3.7.2 Basic Theory of Single Degree of Freedom Vibration System - 3.7.3 Vibration Problems in Ships - 3.7.4 Vibration Prevention Design - 3.8 Selection of Strength Analysis Method - 3.8.1 Introduction - 3.8.2 Type of AnalysisMethod - 3.8.3 Analysis Procedure - 3.8.4 Evaluation of Analysis Result
4 Hull Structure Design System
4.1 Design Flow. - 4.2 Basic Design of Hull Structures - 4.2.1 Role of Basic Design - 4.2.2 Check of General Arrangement - 4.2.3 Check of Other Drawings - 4.2.4 Optimization Technique in Basic Design Process - 4.3 Structural Drawings - 4.3.1 Approval Drawings - 4.3.2 Detail Drawings - 4.3.3 Production Data - 4.4 Standardization - 4.5 Negotiation with Owner
5 Progress in Ship Design
5.1 Increase in Ship Dimensions of Tankers - 5.2 Specialization of Ships - 5.3 Change of Hull Form - 5.4 Ship Vibration Caused by Socio-Economical Change - 5.5 Regulations for Environmental Conservation - 5.6 Technical Innovation
6 Materials
6.1 Hull Steel - 6.2 Grades of Steel - 6.3 Higher - Strength Steel - 6.4 Steel Sections - 6.5 Other Materials - 6.6 Scattering of Material Properties - 6.7 Scattering of Physical Properties - 6.8 Residual Stress
7 Finite Element Method
7.1 Characteristics of FEM - 7.2 Fundamentals of FEM - 7.2.1 StiffnessMatrix - 7.2.2 Plane Stress - 7.3 Procedure of FEM - 7.4 Application of FEM - 7.4.1 Mesh Division - 7.4.2 Loading and Supporting Condition -
7.4.3 Degrees of Freedom
1 Design of Beam
1.1 Effective Breadth of Attached Plates - 1.1.1 Bending in Elastic Conditions - 1.1.2 EffectiveWidth After Plate Buckling - 1.2 Span Point of Beams - 1.3 Design of Cross Section - 1.3.1 Calculation of Section Modulus - 1.4 Bending Moment - 1.5 Easy Solution of Statically Indeterminate Beams - 1.6 Boundary Condition - 1.7 Cross - Sectional Area of Beams - 1.8 Optimum Design of Beam Section - 1.8.1 Elastic Design - 1.8.2 Plastic Design - 1.8.3 Optimal Proportion for Beams - 1.9 Simply Supported Beams and Continuous Beams - 1.10 Effect of Struts - 1.11 Additional Bending Moment due to Forced Displacement - 1.12 LateralMovement of Beams
2 Design of Girders
2.1 Shearing Force - 2.2 Rational Design of Girders - 2.3 Bottom Transverses Supported by Centerline Girder - 2.4 Deflection of Girders
3 Damage of Girders
3.1 Buckling Caused by Compression - 3.2 Buckling Caused by Bending - 3.3 Buckling Caused by Shearing - 3.4 Buckling Caused by Concentrated Loads - 3.5 Cracks Around Slot - 3.5.1 Cracks of First Generation - 3.5.2 Cracks Propagating into Longitudinals - 3.5.3 Cracks Around Slots due to Shear Stress on Transverses
4 Design of Pillars
4.1 Slenderness Ratio of Pillars - 4.2 Sectional Shape of Pillars - 4.3 Pillar Supporting Tensile Force - 4.4 Connection of Pillar at Top and Bottom - 4.5 Cross Ties - 4.6 Radius of Gyration of Square Section
5 Design of Plates
5.1 Boundary Conditions of Plates - 5.2 Strength of Plates Under Lateral Loads - 5.3 Strength of Plates by In - Plane Loads - 5.4 Plates Supporting Bending and Compression Simultaneously - 5.5 Stress Concentration Around Openings - 5.6 Material and Roll Direction - 5.7 Damage of Plates
6 Design of Stiffened Panel
6.1 Grillage Structure - 6.2 Optimum Space of Girders - 6.3 Optimum Space of Beams - 6.3.1 Design Condition Against Lateral Load like Water Pressure - 6.3.2 Design Conditions from Vibration Viewpoint - 6.3.3 Minimum Plate Thickness - 6.3.4 Optimum Beam Space
7 Torsion
7.1 Overview of the Theory - 7.2 Torsion Theory of Closed Section Bars - 7.3 Torsional Rigidity of Various Sections - 7.4 Torsion Theory of I - Section - 7.5 Torsion Theory of Open Section Bars
8 Deflection of Hull Structures
8.1 Deflection of Hull Girder - 8.2 Deflection of Beams with Optimum Section - 8.3 Deflection of Girders and Web Frames - 8.4 Additional Stress Caused by Deflection - 8.5 Shearing Deflection
9 Welding
9.1 ButtWelding - 9.2 Fillet Welding - 9.3 Fillet Welding with Higher Strength Electrode - 9.4 Water Stopping Welding - 9.5 Scallop and Serration - 9.6 Conversion of Butt Welding to Fillet Welding - 9.7 Long Intermittent Welding - 9.8 Shrinkage of Deposit Metal - 9.9 One SideWelding
10 Fracture Control
10.1 Jack - Knifed Failure of Liberty Ships - 10.2 Fracture Mechanics - 10.2.1 Principles. - 10.2.2 Linear Fracture Mechanics - 10.2.3 Non - Linear Fracture Mechanics - 10.2.4 Fracture Toughness - 10.2.5 Grade of Steel - 10.3 Fatigue Strength Design - 10.3.1 Crack Propagation Calculation by Paris’s Equation - 10.3.2 Fatigue Strength Design Taking into Account Construction Tolerances
11 Hull Structural Vibration
11.1 Introduction - 11.2 Basic Features of Hull Structure Vibration - 11.3 Overview of Ship Vibration - 11.4 Boundary Conditions of Hull Structure Vibration - 11.5 Current Boundary Conditions of Hull Structure Vibration
1 Hull Structure Arrangement
1.1 Hold Arrangement - 1.2 Criteria of Design of Hull Structure Arrangement - 1.2.1 Wing Tanks of Tankers - 1.2.2 Bulkhead Arrangement of Bulk Carriers - 1.3 Bulkhead Arrangement Beyond Cargo Hold - 1.3.1 Bow Construction Without Extended Longitudinal Bulkheads - 1.3.2 Engine Room Construction Without Extended Longitudinal Bulkheads
2 Longitudinal Strength of Hull Girder
2.1 Allowable Stress for Longitudinal Strength - 2.2 Position of Maximum Longitudinal Bending Moment - 2.3 Calculation of Section Modulus of Hull Girder - 2.4 Longitudinal Strength and Hull Steel Weight - 2.5 Application of High Tensile Steel - 2.6 Longitudinal Strength Analysis in Waves - 2.7 Arrangement of Longitudinal Strength Members - 2.8 Stress Concentration on Longitudinal Strength Members - 2.9 Additional Bending of Local Members Due to Hull Girder Bending - 2.10 Longitudinal Bending Stress in Fore & Aft Parts of Ship - 2.11 Hull Steel Weight Reduce to Ultimate Strength
3 Transverse Strength of Ship
3.1 Allowable Stress for Transverse Strength - 3.2 Long Taper & Snake Head - 3.3 Shape of Bottom Transverse in Center Tank - 3.4 Shape of Bottom Transverse in Wing Tank - 3.5 Transverse Strength of Tanker - 3.5.1 Cross Ties - 3.5.2 Load Applied on Transverse Strength Members - 3.5.3 Inside Pressure in Wide Tanks - 3.5.4 Connection Between Transverse Ring and Side Shell - 3.5.5 Buckling onWeb of Transverse Rings - 3.5.6 Straight Type and Circular Type Construction - 3.5.7 Transverse Rings at Fore & Aft Parts of Tank - 3.6 Transverse Strength of Ore Carrier - 3.7 Transverse Strength of Bulk Carrier - 3.8 Transverse Strength of Container Ships
4 Torsional Strength
4.1 Structural Damage Due to Torsion (Example No. 1) - 4.2 Structural Damage Due to Torsion (Example No. 2)
5 Shell Structure
5.1 Thickness of Shell Plates - 5.2 Shell at Bottom Forward - 5.3 Shell at Bow Flare - 5.4 Bilge Shell - 5.5 Shell near Stern Frame - 5.6 Shell Damage
6 Bulkheads
6.1 Strength of Bulkhead Plates - 6.2 Horizontal Girders on Transverse Bulkheads (in Center Tank) - 6.3 Horizontal Girder Arrangement on Bulkheads - 6.4 Vertical Stiffeners on Transverse Bulkheads - 6.5 Swash Bulkheads - 6.6 Horizontal Stiffeners on Transverse Bulkheads - 6.7 Minimum Thickness of Longitudinal Bulkhead Plates - 6.8 Sharing Ratio of Shearing Force - 6.9 Corrugated Bulkheads - 6.10 Horizontal Girders on Corrugated Bulkheads - 6.11 Stiffness of Corrugated Bulkheads Against In - Plane Loads
7 Deck Structure
7.1 Stress Concentration at Hatch Corners - 7.1.1 General - 7.1.2 Contour Shape Optimization of Container Ship Hatch Corners - 7.2 Deck Strength for Locally Distributed Loads - 7.3 Deck Sustaining Upward Loads - 7.4 Damage to Deck Structure
8 Double Hull Structure
8.1 Structural System of Double Hull Structure - 8.2 Double Hull Structure and Single Hull Structure - 8.3 Examples of Double Hull Structures - 8.3.1 Cargo Ships - 8.3.2 Tankers - 8.3.3 Container Ships - 8.3.4 Nuclear Ships - 8.3.5 Large Bulk Carriers
9 Fore Construction
9.1 Structural Arrangement - 9.2 Structure of Shell Construction - 9.3 Vertical Acceleration Depending on Pitching - 9.4 Deck Structure - 9.5 Structural Continuity - 9.6 Large Damage in Fore Construction
10 Engine Room Construction
10.1 Engine and Pump Rooms Arrangement - 10.2 Rigidity Criteria in Engine Room Structure Design - 10.2.1 Double Bottom in Engine Room - 10.2.2 Panel, Web, Stiffener Etc - 10.3 Design of StructuralMembers in Engine Room - 10.4 Girders and Floors in Engine Room Double Bottom - 10.5 Problems Caused by Deflection of Engine Room Double Bottom - 10.6 Deflection of Engine Room Double Bottom - 10.6.1 Bending and Shearing Deflection of Hull Girder in the Vicinity of Engine Room - 10.6.2 Deformation ofWeb FrameWhich Supports Engine Room Double Bottom - 10.6.3 Bending and Shearing Deflections of Engine Room Double Bottom Itself - 10.7 Allowable Limit of Deflection of Engine Room Double Bottom - 10.8 Control of Deflection of Engine Room Double Bottom - 10.9 Sea Chest in Engine Room Double Bottom
11 Stern Construction and Stern Frame
11.1 Aft Peak Tank Construction - 11.2 Vibration of Stern Structure - 11.2.1 Vibration of Stern Overhang 515
11.2.2 Transverse Vibration of Stern Bossing of a Single Screw Vessel - 11.2.3 Vertical Vibration of Twin Bossing in Twin Screw Vessel - 11.3 Stern Frame
12 Vibration Prevention
12.1 Exciting Forces - 12.1.1 Magnitude of Propeller Excitation - 12.1.2 Magnitude of Diesel Engine Excitation - 12.1.3 Magnification of Exciting Force by Resonator - 12.1.4 Cancellation of Exciting Force - 12.1.5 Reduction of Main Engine Exciting Force by Elastic Mounting - 12.2 Prevention of Ship Vibration - 12.2.1 Flexural Vibration of Hull Girder - 12.2.2 Vibration of Superstructure - 12.2.3 Active Mass Damper for Superstructure Vibration - 12.2.4 Vibration of In - Tank Structures - 12.2.5 Calculation Methods of Natural Frequency of In - Tank Structures
13 Superstructure
13.1 Example of Damage to Long Superstructures - 13.2 Interaction of Superstructures and Main Hull - 13.3 Magnitude of Longitudinal Bending Stress - 13.4 Prevention of Structural Failures - 13.4.1 Structural Discontinuity - 13.4.2 Round Shape of Side Wall Opening Corner - 13.4.3 Buckling - 13.4.4 Expansion Joints
# Title : Design of Ship Hull Structures: A Practical Guide for Engineers
# Author : Yasuhisa Okumoto, Yu Takeda, Masaki Mano, Tetsuo Okada
# Hardcover: 578 pages
# Publisher: Springer; 1 edition (January 12, 2009)
# Language: English
# ISBN-10: 3540884440
# ISBN-13: 978-3540884446
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
GRC sells software for submarines
GRC, a Hants-based subsidiary of Qinetiq, has secured a contract to provide Paramarine Version 5 ship design software and its onboard variant Seagoing for Submarines to the government of Canada.
The Canadian Navy will use the onboard software to manage the stability of its Victoria Class submarines and assist in emergency response situations. The simultaneous purchase of Paramarine Version 5 will allow Canada to monitor the stability characteristics of the submarines through their operational life.
This contract, worth over £60k, follows a previous one awarded in October 2007 worth over £75k to develop a stability and structural model of the Victoria Class Submarines.
The Paramarine submarine and surface ship design software was recently released at Version 5 and is accompanied by its sister product ‘Seagoing Paramarine’ software. The next release of Paramarine, in spring 2008, will include further enhancements including Advanced Hull Generation Technology and an interface to Microsoft Excel.
The Canadian Navy will use the onboard software to manage the stability of its Victoria Class submarines and assist in emergency response situations. The simultaneous purchase of Paramarine Version 5 will allow Canada to monitor the stability characteristics of the submarines through their operational life.
This contract, worth over £60k, follows a previous one awarded in October 2007 worth over £75k to develop a stability and structural model of the Victoria Class Submarines.
The Paramarine submarine and surface ship design software was recently released at Version 5 and is accompanied by its sister product ‘Seagoing Paramarine’ software. The next release of Paramarine, in spring 2008, will include further enhancements including Advanced Hull Generation Technology and an interface to Microsoft Excel.
Advance Surface Ship and Submarine Evaluation Tool (ASSET)
Conceptual Development Capability
Advance Surface Ship and Submarine Evaluation Tool (ASSET)
The Advanced Surface Ship and Submarine Evaluation Tool (ASSET) is the US Navy’s primary tool for developing early stage ship designs and determining the impact of new technologies on future Navy designs. ASSET is a family of ship design synthesis programs with a common windows interface, incorporating over 20 years of US Navy design experience. Extensive help and program documentation is included to aid the naval architect in the efficient and effective use of the tool.
ASSET integrates all of the required engineering disciplines to predict the total ship physical and performance characteristics. The design is developed with sufficient fidelity so that the total ship implications of subsystem level design and technology decisions are evident. These decisions and the associated input data are based upon the given mission requirements.
NSWC CD provides the capability to quickly determine a quality ship design based on:
Technology assessments
ROM, concept, feasibility designs
Analysis of Alternatives studies
Design studies where the ship characteristics or performance are an issue
Initial product data models for detailed design and analysis by commercial CAD and other US Navy tools
ASSET includes the capability to connect with any other Windows COM compliant tool to facilitate exchanging data and commands. A primary use of this expanded API is prototyping new design processes in an Excel spreadsheet based application linking to ASSET as the ship design engine. This capability has recently been used to prototype the design of trimarans using the monohull version of ASSET. Recently, this capability has also facilitated use of probabilistic design and analysis techniques, such as Design of Experiments, especially in the early stages of Analysis of Alternatives programs. ASSET provides the capability to exchange product model data with design analysis and CAD applications through its integration with the LEAPS environment.
New design and technology options are added when sufficient definition exists. The designer must have the flexibility to address new design and technology options before a complete definition exists. ASSET facilitates this by allowing the naval architect to insert any new technology into a design by defining its impacts upon the ship in the following areas: weights and centers, required arrangeable areas, electric loads, efficiencies, manning.
For additional information call (301) 227-1938.
who needs PaRaMaRiNe
what is the PARAMARINE?
Paramarine SeaWeigh and Seagoing Paramarine, the on-board loading computer variants of Paramarine. These products use the same ship or submarine model and analysis techniques ensuring total compatibility between the systems.
The Paramarine product suite therefore enables rapid concept design and development, eliminating costly data transfer between numerous analysis products. The analytical capabilities provided within Paramarine are fully validated by independent third parties.
You will save time, money and understand your technical risks early in the design process through your use of Paramarine.
Paramarine is the only integrated computer aided design and engineering tool available today for commercial ship, warship and submarine design.
Seagoing Paramarine
Seagoing Paramarine helps ship personnel make informed decisions about the stability, structural integrity and operation of their vessel.
Paramarine SeaWeigh
Its modern graphical interface makes it particularly suited for ships with large variable loads such as LPDs, Ro-Ro vessels and passenger ferries.
email me for some nice inform
Paramarine is the worlds only fully integrated Naval Architecture Design and Analysis product that can handle the complexities of ship and submarine design. Its advanced design capabilities are built upon the Siemens PLM ParasolidTM solid modelling capability, which provides much of the geometric detail required to enable the accurate analytical capabilities – as well as providing excellent geometric exchange with other CAD and CAE systems.
Paramarine SeaWeigh and Seagoing Paramarine, the on-board loading computer variants of Paramarine. These products use the same ship or submarine model and analysis techniques ensuring total compatibility between the systems.
The Paramarine product suite therefore enables rapid concept design and development, eliminating costly data transfer between numerous analysis products. The analytical capabilities provided within Paramarine are fully validated by independent third parties.
You will save time, money and understand your technical risks early in the design process through your use of Paramarine.
Paramarine is the only integrated computer aided design and engineering tool available today for commercial ship, warship and submarine design.
Seagoing Paramarine
Seagoing Paramarine helps ship personnel make informed decisions about the stability, structural integrity and operation of their vessel.
Paramarine SeaWeigh
Its modern graphical interface makes it particularly suited for ships with large variable loads such as LPDs, Ro-Ro vessels and passenger ferries.
email me for some nice inform
Sunday, October 4, 2009
what do you know about ....
what do you know about ALIGNMENT?
this concept was capable to usedon many works like as shaft aligment,structure alignment and so over.
but in the naval architecture,the important mind is used the real methode for gun alignment.
gun alignment need tu align some spacial porpose:
1-sensor alignment
2-structure alignment
3-gunmount alignment
4-heading alignment
plus to above concept we need tu integrated all of them with the FC machine.
on the recent days,itry to illustrute some of my memorials.
this concept was capable to usedon many works like as shaft aligment,structure alignment and so over.
but in the naval architecture,the important mind is used the real methode for gun alignment.
gun alignment need tu align some spacial porpose:
1-sensor alignment
2-structure alignment
3-gunmount alignment
4-heading alignment
plus to above concept we need tu integrated all of them with the FC machine.
on the recent days,itry to illustrute some of my memorials.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Monday, July 20, 2009
Sunday, July 19, 2009
ship design-basic level
We carry out 4-6 basic design tasks for different types of vessels every year.
Again an unbeatable track record. The big volume, references, combined with
high quality end products, built ships, gives us a good starting point for any
kind of basic design task.
Basic design prepared by Deltamarin is a good tool for the Shipowner to
reach the intended vessel configuration even when working with a less
experienced shipyard. The basic design package includes all the required
design disciplines:
General part
Model tests
Design criteria
Hull classification
Hull outfitting
Auxiliary machinery
We carry out 4-6 basic design tasks for different types of vessels every year.
Again an unbeatable track record. The big volume, references, combined with
high quality end products, built ships, gives us a good starting point for any
kind of basic design task.
Basic design prepared by Deltamarin is a good tool for the Shipowner to
reach the intended vessel configuration even when working with a less
experienced shipyard. The basic design package includes all the required
design disciplines:
General part
Model tests
Design criteria
Hull classification
Hull outfitting
Auxiliary machinery
Critical Significance of Human Factors in Ship Design
Critical Significance of Human Factors in Ship Design
homas G. Dobie, M.D., Ph.D., FRAeS
Director, National Biodynamics Laboratory
University of New Orleans
Proceedings of the 2003 RVOC Meeting, 8 – 10 October, 2003
Large Lakes Observatory, University of Minnesota
There is a critical need for a human factors input whenever technology and people
interact. When systems are functioning well, few seem to appreciate that this smooth
operation is largely due to the prior thought and effort that has gone into optimizing the
human factors element; when disaster strikes, however, there is a sudden demand for
immediate rectification. As the ship design evolves and crew sizes diminish, even greater
emphasis should be placed upon the man/machine interaction in order to ensure safety
and efficiency during both routine and emergency operations. Severe ship motions limit
the human ability to operate command and control and communication systems,
navigate, perform routine maintenance and prepare food. In an emergency, such
operations as refueling at sea and damage control can be severely hampered. The
human being is susceptible to degraded performance in a number of ways. There are the
purely physical limitations on both gross and fine motor skills imposed by the adverse
effects of heavy seas. The former physical limitations include standing, walking, and
carrying out operational and maintenance tasks that include major whole-body
movements required to perform these types of operations. Fine motor skills include such
fine movements as delicate control adjustments and computer operations. Knowledge of
the sea/hull interaction and its potentially deleterious effect on the physical activities of
crewmembers can provide valuable information for improved ship and equipment design
as well as establishing guidelines for efficient heavy weather operations. In addition,
ship motion can cause significant mental degradation leading to overall performance
decrement and increased potential for injury. Motion sickness is an example of this type
of malady. Seasickness is the most common cause of motion sickness and can have a
profoundly adverse effect on human performance. There is also the sopite syndrome, a
human response to provocative motion characterized by drowsiness and mood changes.
It is not yet clear whether this is due to boredom, inactivity and loss of concentration or
the result of the effects of provocative motion. Whatever, this soporific response can lead
to inefficiency and accident proneness, that is not so readily identifiable by the sufferer
or a supervisor. These motion responses are highly relevant to the RVOC research ship
situation. Not only because of the plans to reduce the number of crewmembers, but also
because a number of the research or academic team members may have little or no
recent experience at sea, particularly in heavy weather. Attention to onboard habitability
issues and fostering a high level of morale among crewmembers are also very important
factors in support of crew retention, particularly in modern ships with smaller numbers
of crewmembers. The author will address these issues and make recommendations to
improve the incorporation of the human element in future ships.
homas G. Dobie, M.D., Ph.D., FRAeS
Director, National Biodynamics Laboratory
University of New Orleans
Proceedings of the 2003 RVOC Meeting, 8 – 10 October, 2003
Large Lakes Observatory, University of Minnesota
There is a critical need for a human factors input whenever technology and people
interact. When systems are functioning well, few seem to appreciate that this smooth
operation is largely due to the prior thought and effort that has gone into optimizing the
human factors element; when disaster strikes, however, there is a sudden demand for
immediate rectification. As the ship design evolves and crew sizes diminish, even greater
emphasis should be placed upon the man/machine interaction in order to ensure safety
and efficiency during both routine and emergency operations. Severe ship motions limit
the human ability to operate command and control and communication systems,
navigate, perform routine maintenance and prepare food. In an emergency, such
operations as refueling at sea and damage control can be severely hampered. The
human being is susceptible to degraded performance in a number of ways. There are the
purely physical limitations on both gross and fine motor skills imposed by the adverse
effects of heavy seas. The former physical limitations include standing, walking, and
carrying out operational and maintenance tasks that include major whole-body
movements required to perform these types of operations. Fine motor skills include such
fine movements as delicate control adjustments and computer operations. Knowledge of
the sea/hull interaction and its potentially deleterious effect on the physical activities of
crewmembers can provide valuable information for improved ship and equipment design
as well as establishing guidelines for efficient heavy weather operations. In addition,
ship motion can cause significant mental degradation leading to overall performance
decrement and increased potential for injury. Motion sickness is an example of this type
of malady. Seasickness is the most common cause of motion sickness and can have a
profoundly adverse effect on human performance. There is also the sopite syndrome, a
human response to provocative motion characterized by drowsiness and mood changes.
It is not yet clear whether this is due to boredom, inactivity and loss of concentration or
the result of the effects of provocative motion. Whatever, this soporific response can lead
to inefficiency and accident proneness, that is not so readily identifiable by the sufferer
or a supervisor. These motion responses are highly relevant to the RVOC research ship
situation. Not only because of the plans to reduce the number of crewmembers, but also
because a number of the research or academic team members may have little or no
recent experience at sea, particularly in heavy weather. Attention to onboard habitability
issues and fostering a high level of morale among crewmembers are also very important
factors in support of crew retention, particularly in modern ships with smaller numbers
of crewmembers. The author will address these issues and make recommendations to
improve the incorporation of the human element in future ships.
warship naval conceptual design
Table of Contents
1 REQUIREMENTS AND PLAN ........................................................................................................ 1
1.1 Mission Need ......................................................................................................1
1.2 Design Philosophy and Process .......................................................................... 1
1.3 Work Breakdown................................................................................................3
1.4 Resources............................................................................................................4
2 MISSIONS, MISSION EFFECTIVENESS AND COST................................................................. 5
2.1 Missions..............................................................................................................5
2.1.1 Mission Concept of Operations .................................................................. 5
2.1.2 Projected Operational Environment and Threat ......................................... 5
2.1.3 Mission Scenarios .......................................................................................6
2.1.4 Required Operational Capabilities.............................................................. 7
2.2 Objective Attributes ............................................................................................8
2.2.1 Cost .............................................................................................................8
2.2.2 Overall Measure of Effectiveness Model ................................................... 9
3 CONCEPT EXPLORATION .......................................................................................................... 11
3.1 Concept Exploration Model.............................................................................. 11
3.1.1 Model Overview and Function ................................................................. 11
3.1.2 Trade-Off Technologies, Concepts, and Design Parameters .................... 11
3.1.3 Concept Design Balance Sub-Models ...................................................... 16
3.1.4 Concept Design Feasibility....................................................................... 21
3.2 Multi-Objective Optimization...........................................................................22
3.2.1 Pareto Genetic Algorithm (PGA) Overview and Function....................... 22
3.2.2 Optimization Results.................................................................................23
3.3 Baseline Concept Design and ORD1................................................................ 25
4 CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT......................................................................................................... 26
4.1 Hull Form and Appendages .............................................................................. 26
4.2 Structural Design and Analysis......................................................................... 28
4.2.1 Procedures.................................................................................................28
4.2.2 Scantlings..................................................................................................29
4.2.3 Midships Region Analysis ........................................................................ 32
4.2.4 Load cases and Analysis ........................................................................... 34
4.3 Resistance, Power and Propulsion .................................................................... 38
4.4 Space and Arrangements................................................................................... 41
4.4.1 External.....................................................................................................41
4.4.2 Internal Space and Arrangements ............................................................. 45
4.5 Mechanical and Electrical Systems and Machinery Arrangement ................... 49
4.6 Mission Systems ...............................................................................................50
4.6.1 CONREP...................................................................................................50
4.6.2 VERTREP.................................................................................................51
4.7 Manning............................................................................................................51
4.8 Weights and Loading ........................................................................................ 52
4.9 Hydrostatics and Stability ................................................................................. 53
T-AKE PIKE Design Report
4.9.1 General......................................................................................................53
4.9.2 Intact Stability...........................................................................................53
4.9.3 Damage Stability.......................................................................................56
4.10 Seakeeping and Maneuvering........................................................................... 60
4.11 Cost and Effectiveness...................................................................................... 61
5 CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK...................................................................................... 63
5.1 Assessment........................................................................................................63
5.2 Recommended Improvements ..........................................................................63
Table of Contents
1 REQUIREMENTS AND PLAN ........................................................................................................ 1
1.1 Mission Need ......................................................................................................1
1.2 Design Philosophy and Process .......................................................................... 1
1.3 Work Breakdown................................................................................................3
1.4 Resources............................................................................................................4
2 MISSIONS, MISSION EFFECTIVENESS AND COST................................................................. 5
2.1 Missions..............................................................................................................5
2.1.1 Mission Concept of Operations .................................................................. 5
2.1.2 Projected Operational Environment and Threat ......................................... 5
2.1.3 Mission Scenarios .......................................................................................6
2.1.4 Required Operational Capabilities.............................................................. 7
2.2 Objective Attributes ............................................................................................8
2.2.1 Cost .............................................................................................................8
2.2.2 Overall Measure of Effectiveness Model ................................................... 9
3 CONCEPT EXPLORATION .......................................................................................................... 11
3.1 Concept Exploration Model.............................................................................. 11
3.1.1 Model Overview and Function ................................................................. 11
3.1.2 Trade-Off Technologies, Concepts, and Design Parameters .................... 11
3.1.3 Concept Design Balance Sub-Models ...................................................... 16
3.1.4 Concept Design Feasibility....................................................................... 21
3.2 Multi-Objective Optimization...........................................................................22
3.2.1 Pareto Genetic Algorithm (PGA) Overview and Function....................... 22
3.2.2 Optimization Results.................................................................................23
3.3 Baseline Concept Design and ORD1................................................................ 25
4 CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT......................................................................................................... 26
4.1 Hull Form and Appendages .............................................................................. 26
4.2 Structural Design and Analysis......................................................................... 28
4.2.1 Procedures.................................................................................................28
4.2.2 Scantlings..................................................................................................29
4.2.3 Midships Region Analysis ........................................................................ 32
4.2.4 Load cases and Analysis ........................................................................... 34
4.3 Resistance, Power and Propulsion .................................................................... 38
4.4 Space and Arrangements................................................................................... 41
4.4.1 External.....................................................................................................41
4.4.2 Internal Space and Arrangements ............................................................. 45
4.5 Mechanical and Electrical Systems and Machinery Arrangement ................... 49
4.6 Mission Systems ...............................................................................................50
4.6.1 CONREP...................................................................................................50
4.6.2 VERTREP.................................................................................................51
4.7 Manning............................................................................................................51
4.8 Weights and Loading ........................................................................................ 52
4.9 Hydrostatics and Stability ................................................................................. 53
T-AKE PIKE Design Report
4.9.1 General......................................................................................................53
4.9.2 Intact Stability...........................................................................................53
4.9.3 Damage Stability.......................................................................................56
4.10 Seakeeping and Maneuvering........................................................................... 60
4.11 Cost and Effectiveness...................................................................................... 61
5 CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK...................................................................................... 63
5.1 Assessment........................................................................................................63
5.2 Recommended Improvements ..........................................................................63
Download at:
D Andrews, L Casarosa and R Pawling, University College London, UK
E Galea, S Deere and P Lawrence, University of Greenwich, UK
Traditionally, when designing a ship the driving issues are seen to be powering, stability, strength and seakeeping.
Issues related to ship operations and evolutions are investigated later in the design process, within the constraint of a
fixed layout. This can result in operational inefficiencies and limitations, excessive crew numbers and potentially
hazardous situations.
This paper summarises work by University College London and the University of Greenwich prior to the completion of
a three year EPSRC funded research project to integrate the simulation of personnel movement into early stage ship
design. This integration is intended to facilitate the assessment of onboard operations while the design is still highly
amenable to change.
The project brings together the University of Greenwich developed maritimeEXODUS personnel movement simulation
software and the SURFCON implementation of the Design Building Block approach to early stage ship design, which
originated with the UCL Ship Design Research team and has been implemented within the PARAMARINE ship design
system produced by Graphics Research Corporation. Central to the success of this project is the definition of a suitable
series of Performance Measures (PM) which can be used to assess the human performance of the design in different
operational scenarios.
The paper outlines the progress made on deriving the PM from human dynamics criteria measured in simulations and
their incorporation into a Human Performance Metric (HPM) for analysis. It describes the production of a series of
SURFCON ship designs, based on the Royal Navy’s Type 22 Batch 3 frigate, and their analysis using the
PARAMARINE and maritimeEXODUS software. Conclusions on the work to date and for the remainder of the project
are presented addressing the integration of personnel movement simulation into the preliminary ship design process.
D Andrews, L Casarosa and R Pawling, University College London, UK
E Galea, S Deere and P Lawrence, University of Greenwich, UK
Traditionally, when designing a ship the driving issues are seen to be powering, stability, strength and seakeeping.
Issues related to ship operations and evolutions are investigated later in the design process, within the constraint of a
fixed layout. This can result in operational inefficiencies and limitations, excessive crew numbers and potentially
hazardous situations.
This paper summarises work by University College London and the University of Greenwich prior to the completion of
a three year EPSRC funded research project to integrate the simulation of personnel movement into early stage ship
design. This integration is intended to facilitate the assessment of onboard operations while the design is still highly
amenable to change.
The project brings together the University of Greenwich developed maritimeEXODUS personnel movement simulation
software and the SURFCON implementation of the Design Building Block approach to early stage ship design, which
originated with the UCL Ship Design Research team and has been implemented within the PARAMARINE ship design
system produced by Graphics Research Corporation. Central to the success of this project is the definition of a suitable
series of Performance Measures (PM) which can be used to assess the human performance of the design in different
operational scenarios.
The paper outlines the progress made on deriving the PM from human dynamics criteria measured in simulations and
their incorporation into a Human Performance Metric (HPM) for analysis. It describes the production of a series of
SURFCON ship designs, based on the Royal Navy’s Type 22 Batch 3 frigate, and their analysis using the
PARAMARINE and maritimeEXODUS software. Conclusions on the work to date and for the remainder of the project
are presented addressing the integration of personnel movement simulation into the preliminary ship design process.
at the first,in the name of GOD

this Blog was Created to demonstration and developing of some case studies and idea about the naval ship design and their tools.
any body can help US to grow this space.
this Blog was Created to demonstration and developing of some case studies and idea about the naval ship design and their tools.
any body can help US to grow this space.
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