Paramarine is the worlds only fully integrated Naval Architecture Design and Analysis product that can handle the complexities of ship and submarine design. Its advanced design capabilities are built upon the Siemens PLM ParasolidTM solid modelling capability, which provides much of the geometric detail required to enable the accurate analytical capabilities – as well as providing excellent geometric exchange with other CAD and CAE systems.
Paramarine SeaWeigh and Seagoing Paramarine, the on-board loading computer variants of Paramarine. These products use the same ship or submarine model and analysis techniques ensuring total compatibility between the systems.
The Paramarine product suite therefore enables rapid concept design and development, eliminating costly data transfer between numerous analysis products. The analytical capabilities provided within Paramarine are fully validated by independent third parties.
You will save time, money and understand your technical risks early in the design process through your use of Paramarine.
Paramarine is the only integrated computer aided design and engineering tool available today for commercial ship, warship and submarine design.
Seagoing Paramarine
Seagoing Paramarine helps ship personnel make informed decisions about the stability, structural integrity and operation of their vessel.
Paramarine SeaWeigh
Its modern graphical interface makes it particularly suited for ships with large variable loads such as LPDs, Ro-Ro vessels and passenger ferries.
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